Safety Before Pit Bulldogs
Useful information, data, studies, and expert opinion about the dangers of pit bulls in communities and the value of BSL to keep communities safe.
Monday, September 2, 2019
Sunday, September 1, 2019
How to Stop a Pit Bull Attack - Questions, Advice, Experience
The harder and more urgent question is "How can I stop a pit bull attack?" Media outlets don't want to tackle this one. The answers are difficult because pit bulls are bred to be game. One dogfighter's definition of gameness in pit bulls is "a drive to kill, or die trying." This means that answers to the question, "how to stop a pit bull attack" will necessarily be extreme. The first answer is, "most people can't stop a pit bull attack." And the rest of the answers involve violence, weapons and strategies to use lethal force.
To make matters worse, pit bull advocates condemn people for wanting to know how to protect themselves. A quick internet search shows that all kinds of good and decent people who only want to protect themselves from grave injury and death are worried about avoiding pit bull attacks. This isn't about a desire to kill anything, just a desire to not be a victim.
Below are few of the many advice articles which detail ways to stop a pit bull attack. Inclusion in the list below is not an endorsement of any particular method. The purpose of this list is to demonstrate that the concern people have about stopping pit bull attacks is widespread and common. After the list of advice articles is a very short list of stories about people who stopped an attacking pit bull.
The Stranger
How to Defeat a Pit Bull with Your Bare Hands
Animals 24-7
Sports 24-7
Inside Edition
Let’s Run
Secrets of Survival
Expert Security Tips
Responsible Citizens for Public Safety
Exigent Circumstances
Combative Anatomy: How to fight a dog
Police Station: Crime Prevention & Personal Safety
Crime Safety Security
City Data
Whats a good weapon against vicious dogs besides firearms?
Martial Arts
How to Defend Against Dog Attacks?
High Road Forums
Am I Justified in shooting an Attacking Pit Bull in my Back Yard?
Runner’s Blueprint
How to Prevent and Handle a Dog Attack While Running
The Shorthorn
Protect yourself from dog-inflicted wounds
Self Defense
How do you kill a dog in self defense with your bare hands?
People who defended themselves or others from a pit bull attack
Boy stops pit bull attack with jujitsu choke hold
Man choked to death his pet Staffordshire bull terrier of ten years when it attacked him for no apparent reason
MMA fighter chokes out pit bull with poodle in its jaws
Man strangles attacking pit bull in Conroe TX
Man Saves Neighbor’s golden doodle by Strangling Pit Bull to Death
Used a Machete to defend against pit bull attack
Field & Stream
I Shot a pit bull yesterday morning with my bow.
Very long list of pit bulls that were stabbed to stop an attack
Facebook page about pit bulls shot by police to save themselves or victims
Neighbor shot attacking pit bull
Aunt shoots, kills pit bull to stop attack on 9-year-old boy
Monday, May 7, 2018
Extreme Attacks: List of Pit Bull Attacks that Result in Dismemberment or Amputation of a limb
2019 MI - In response to the fatal pit bull attack on a girl in Detroit, the family of a Detroit girl mauled so badly in 2017 her arm was amputated retold their story to help people understand how dangerous pit bulls are.
2018 GA - A man just walking down the street was mauled so badly by two loose pit bulls that both his hands had to be amputated. The pit bull owner was especially depraved. He got his dogs and told a samaritan not to call for help because he would take care of it, but instead, he just left his victim on the ground. Two hours later that same samaritan found the man and called for help.
2018 OK - Four pit bulls attacked a woman who was just walking down the street. Someone left the gate open. She is in critical condition and her arm was amputated.
2018 TX - Doris Mixon Smith's neighbors' pit bull attacked her while she was gardening in her own yard. She was mauled so badly that she lost her arm. The neighbors were convicted of allowing their pit bull to maul her. The husband received 4 years in prison and the wife received 10 years probation.
2017 MI - A pit bull that was known to be vicious and that had previously attacked a man was allowed to attack a 10 year old girl severing her arm. The pit bull also severed her foot, "but not completely" and doctors were able to reattach that, too. Doctors have reattached the arm and are watching for infection. She is in very critical condition. This is what happens when cities believe it's a great idea to allow people to keep vicious animals in communities. Detroit Police Chief James Craig believes it is wrong to allow the public to keep vicious dogs. Thank You Chief Craig. Pit bulls have been mauling children in Detroit at an extraordinary rate and public officials are doing nothing about it.
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This Bloody Pit Bull Tore Off a Ten-Year-Old's Arm and partially severed her foot. |
2016 NZ - A domestic worker who had worked for a family for 14 years and has taken care of their dogs was dismembered by the family's pit bull. She lost her arm and now the family is telling her to go on disability because they can't afford to keep her on.
2016 CT - Jocelyn Winfrey, 53, was attacked by Dr. Hamilton Hicks' pit bulls. She lost both of her eyes, her right leg, and an arm. She later passed away.
2016 GA - In June, a woman was attacked by her son's pit bulls so badly that she lost a leg. A year later, she is scheduled to have the other leg amputated. First responders didn't rush to the scene because when asked what kind of dog attacked, the son's girlfriend sarcastically said chihuahua mixes. The son and girlfriend were convicted on several charges related to the attack and the pit bulls.
2016 CA - A woman was walking her grandson home from school when a pit bull attacked the boy. The grandmother stepped in between her grandson and the pit bull and took the brunt of the pit bull's mauling attack. Her leg was so badly mauled that it had to be amputated below the knee. Her insurance will not pay for a prosthetic limb. News outlets are not publishing the negligent owner's name to protect him.
2016 CA - A woman was attacked by pit bulls that escaped a fenced yard. The woman is in very critical condition with extensive injuries. Doctors had to amputate an arm. Police tried to identify her using a fingerprint scanner, but the pit bulls had done so much devastating damage that she had no fingerprints left. Two pit bulls attacked and will be killed. Two mixed breeds probably did not attack and will be evaluated.
2016 UK - A woman walked her son's illegal pit bull as a favor to him. His pit bull attacked her so severely that her hand was detached from her arm.
2016 FL - Four pit bulls in an apartment suddenly began attacking family members. The mother saved her children by getting them into other rooms. She thought the pit bulls had calmed down, but instead, after a moment, they launched a nearly fatal attack on her that left her hospitalized for 6 months, needing specialty care in Chicago. She lost one arm, had the other reconstructed and has scars on her stomach from where the pit bulls braced their feet so they could rip the flesh off her bones. They finally stopped when they had exhausted themselves. The police came and shot them.
2015 MO - A woman's American Bulldog attacked her causing her foot to be amputated. She also had a large portion of her hair torn out and the ambull had removed most of her clothes. She was in critical but stable condition after her surgery. She had owned the 3 year old dog for about a year. The story does not say if the dog was a rescue dog.
2015 DC - Two loose pit bulls launched an unprovoked attack on a man who was looking at an apartment. He lost his foot in the attack.
2015 SC - A pit bull mauled its owner's sister's arm so badly that it had to be amputated. All the victim did was call Bull's name. Witnesses said that the arm was completely snapped and hanging only by the "meat." The pit bull tore off the woman's knee cap as well. The owner was upset that the pit bull was shot as she and the pit bull were inseparable. Her daughter emphasized that he was a good dog. This attack also appears on the list of family pit bulls that attack.
2015 SC - A woman's arm was ripped off by her boyfriend's pit bull. Witnesses saw the pit bull attack the woman, latch onto her arm, pull her down, and rip her arm off her body. Her boyfriend, the owner, did not want to relinquish the pit bull, but animal control eventually took it and put it down.
2014 MI Twelve pit bulls attacked a man who was feeding them alongside the owner. He lost three limbs and the pit bulls consumed part of his arm.
2013 UK An American bulldog mauled a man's arm so severely, that it had to be amputated.
2013 CT Pit bull tears off woman's arm and other hand
2013 LA Westwego woman lost eye, ear and both arms after pit bull attack
2013 FL - Sandra Lambert loses one arm at the shoulder to pit bull attack
2013 KY - A pit bull bit off a boy's nose and swallowed it. Initially, the nose could not be found so the pit bull was taken to the vet to have the nose removed from the pit bull's stomach. It was reattached to the boy's face. The owner had owned the pit bull since it was a puppy and it had never been violent.
2012 FL - Laura Miller loses arm after pit bull attack at veterinary clinic
2012 FL - Robin Johnson loses arm and leg after pit bull attack
2012 IL - Jogger who lost leg wants pit bull regulation
2011 CA - Emako Mendoza lost arm and part of leg to pit bull mauling. She later dies from her injuries.
2011 AZ - Michael Cook was attacked by his own pit bull so severely that both his arms had to be amputated and he required over 100 pints of blood, depleting the City of Tucson's blood supply. He died 20 days after he was attacked.
2011 FL - 61 year old Karin Carter lost her leg in an attack by family pit bulls that she would have sworn with her dying breath would never be aggressive because they were raised right by her family. Doctors were initially unsure whether she would survive her injuries.
2011 MI - A boy jumps a fence to get a wayward ball and the pit bull in the yard attacked his leg so badly that it had to be amputated. The pit bull's jaws locked on the boy and the pit bull would not let go until it was shot to death.
2011 FL - The neighbors' three pit bulls escaped and attacked 78 year-old Roy McSweeny in his own yard and tore off both his arms. He later died from his injuries.
2011 ME - A 28-year-old man last known to be living in LaGrange was convicted in absentia and received the maximum sentence under civil law Tuesday for his dog’s brutal attack two months ago on a former friend, Karen Stewart, who lost most of her right arm and whose left arm was badly mauled.
2010 WA - A man was attacked by a pit bull and lost both of his arm to amputations.The 61-year-old recently lost his arm in an operation. The victim also has a deep gash on his right leg as a result from the pit bull attack that took place on Aug. 3.
2010 GA - 8 year old Erin Ingram lost part of left arm in an horrific off-property pit bull attack in the middle of the street. Initially doctors feared she might die. In 2015 a jury awarded her $72 million dollars.
2009 US - In a study done by of all pit bull attacks reported in the media during the year 2009, 35 people were reported to have lost a body part that year.
2009 PA - A pit bull bit off its owner's hand and when police arrived, the pit bull was shot because it would not allow responders to aid the 48 year old victim.
2008 LA - 83 year old Luna McDaniel was out for a walk when three loose pit bulls mauled her. She never lost consciousness during the mauling. She lost her leg below the knee, but never made it out of the ICU and died 11 days after the attack.
2008 FL - Roger Lindee was attacked by two pit bulls and was found lying in a ditch when two good samaritans pulled the pits off and held them until authorities came. He was attacked so severely that his right leg was amputated below the knee.
2008 IN - Woman loses both arms in sustained attack from her own pet pit bull that she raised from a puppy. She just let him out like she did every day and he launched an horrific attack that was described by a police lieutenant with 35 years experience as "the grossest thing he had ever seen...The dog was literally eating her to death." (Archived by WebCite® at
2006 TX -Woman Loses Both Arms After Pit Bull Mauling. Vicky Jeffries was brutally attacked by her own pit bull when she tried to stop her pit bulls from attacking each other.
2005 CO - A 10-year-old boy lost his arm after being mauled by three pit bulls in his own yard. The attack happened 2 days after Aurora passed a pit bull ban. His mother was criminally charged for the attack.
2004 CA - 91 year old woman loses both arms when she attempted to feed her great-grandson's pit bull, Zion.
2000 NY - 51 year old plumber Dennis Whitcomb was mauled by his neighbor’s pit bulls while he was shoveling his driveway. He spent weeks in the hospital and underwent 12 operations for extensive wounds to his face, neck chest and right arm which was amputated above the elbow. Whitcomb was recuperating from open-heart surgery when he was attacked.
1990 CA - In an attempt to save a 70 year old grandmother after she was mauled for about 30 minutes, surgeons amputated her left arm during a 6 hour long surgery. She had puncture wounds on most of her torson and all the flesh had been eaten off both arms from the wrist to the shoulder. Marjee Lilly remained conscious for the entire 30 minutes, watching the pit bulls tear the flesh from her arms. She was able to tell police that she was attempting to feed the pit bulls when they mauled her. Despite all efforts, she died.
1983 FL - Two pit pulls dragged 11-year-old Jorge Cuartas from his bicycle and bit him more than 100 times. His left foot was nearly severed and had to be amputated. ``If you had seen the injuries,`` the boy`s doctor said, ``you probably wouldn`t have believed they had been done by a dog.``
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Extreme Attacks: List of Pit Bulls Up for Adoption or Recently Adopted From Shelters That Seriously Attack
People often perceive pit bull rescuers, shelters, and animal control officers to be experts on pit bull behavior and safety. Potential adopters often believe they can rely on these perceived experts' knowledge, judgment and temperament testing procedures to give them sound advice about pit bull safety and to match them with safe pit bulls.
Sadly, these perceived experts often are not required to have much expertise at all. More importantly many have sworn no oath and have no mandate to protect public safety and they are often extremely misguided. They refuse to acknowledge the inherent dangers of pit bulls and believe if they foist off an "iffy" pit bull on someone, well, it gives the pit bull another chance for a home, and it might turn out alright. Sometimes, the shelter does tell the adoptive owner that the pit bull has "dog aggression" and minimizes the significance of the danger to neighborhood pets and protective owners. Other times, shelter workers have reportedly failed to provide known information about aggression, and in some cases, when pit bulls attacked right after being adopted, they blamed the adopter.
It may surprise people to know that while these perceived experts often have little knowledge or expertise in safely adopting pets, dangerous dog advocates have been educating shelters in how to avoid liability when adopting out potentially or known dangerous dogs.
The following list shows the results of these misguided priorities and lack of mandated responsibility or accountability by these animal care "experts." Most of these articles are about recently adopted pit bulls that launched a serious attack, sometimes killing a person. Many of these pit bulls came with assurances that the pit bull was non-aggressive and/or had been temperament tested. A few articles concern other dangerous dogs, and some articles concern attacks that occurred while the dog was still in the care of the animal control, shelter, rescue or foster. The list is not complete or comprehensive, but merely highlights the growing and seriously dangerous problem.
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Click to enlarge and read the depraved advocacy for a killer |
2019 CA - No Kill LA Animal Shelter allowed a German shepherd dog that had been dropped off for biting and aggression to be put up for adoption. While a father and two young children were meeting the dog, it bit one of the children in the face very seriously with no provocation. The child had to be transferred to a second hospital equipped to do the extensive kind of reconstructive surgery required to repair the damage and ay lose an eye. No Kill must be abandoned or outlawed because of the great harm it does to children and pets.
2019 VA - A pit bull mix that has put two people IN THE HOSPITAL is up for adoption again. One victim was the foster handler for BANDIT'S ADOPTION & RESCUE OF K-9's. She couldn't walk or live independently for 2 months. The second victim was the AC officer who took the dog after the first attack. She was hospitalized and couldn't work for a while. BARK took back the dangerous pit mix and put the thing up for adoption three years later without revealing the SERIOUS bite history of this dog. The operators at BARK have no care or concern that their actions put two people in the hospital already, and they have zero concern that they will put more people in the hospital if they adopt the pit out again. The investigative report revealed the dangerous pit's adoption page, which seems to have subsequently taken down.
2019 FL - A pit bull that was up for adoption killed a volunteer at the Humane Society of St. Lucie County.
2019 OH - A pit bull mix that was being fostered by the Pit Bull Advocates of Armstrong County (PA) allowed their pit bull with a known bite history to severely maul a dog groomer. The pit bull had to be tased and then stabbed to get the attack to stop and the victim has severe facial wounds and compound fractures in both bones of one of her forearms as well as other injuries. This pit bull, Lucian, is believed to be the same pit bull that severely mauled a 5 year old girl the day after it was adopted five months previously in April.
2019 OH - An American bulldog mix was adopted out by the Trumbull County Trumbull County Dog Warden with the assurance that it was good with everyone. The next day it severely mauled a 5 year-old girl. It later was revealed that the huge pit bull mix had shown protective and aggressive behavior and one person had said the dog should not go to a home with children.
2018 PA - New investigative report on yet another county animal control service that is adopting out dangerous dogs with bite histories, mostly pit bulls, in order to maintain a No Kill status. This time it is Lebanon County PA Humane Society. Look below for 4 previous investigations into the same kinds of reports into the unethical No Kill practices in Contra Cost CA (2016), Fairfax County VA (2016), Austin City TX (2016), Albuquerque City NM (2015).
2018 FL - A pit bull mix that had been adopted out, and temperament tested by, Pinellas County Animal Control 7 months previously killed a 7 month old girl. (This baby was born just about the time this pit mix was adopted out). The foster father and his father, the pit bull owner, both were Clearwater Police Detectives. This is a second killing in a week by a temperament tested, adopted pit bull. Know this - temperament tests DO NOT and cannot predict unprovoked attacks from pit bulls.
2018 IL - An adopted Pit bull from, and temperament tested by, South Suburban Animal Rescue in Chicago Heights 9 months previously sent two people to the hospital in separate attacks. One person was an insurance adjuster who entered the rental unit when the pit bull’s owners were not present. The second person was a police officer who was later dispatched to search for the loose pit bull.
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Snowball the killer pit bull with his rescue and his rescuer victim |

2018 NV - Recently Adopted Mastiff Killed Owner three days after a couple adopted it. The dog was adopted from the Animal Foundation. The husband had posted on facebook asking if anyone had info about the breed saying he planned to take the dog on hikes in the mountains, to lakes, and parks. archive
2018 TX - The Humane Society of North Texas allowed a chihuahua mix in an unsupervised pen with two pit bulls for unsupervised play. One of the pit bulls played the game pit bulls were bred to love - "kill the dog". The humane society says that all dogs must be supervised during play. They don't say they will stop the horrific practice of putting small dogs in pens with pit bulls. Pit bulls kill regularly when they are being supervised. archive
2018 ME - A young man was interested in adopting a pit bull from the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society shelter and was allowed to take it for a walk to get to know it. He took it to his friend's house where the pit bull immediately grabbed and killed the friend's family's dearly beloved 5-year-old yorkie named Rocco Armani in front of the family. archive
2018 OH - Veterinarian blows whistle on the Muskingum County Dog Warden and Adoption Center revealing that it has been adopting out dogs with aggression and bite histories. The vet revealed that one dog was brought into his clinic that hat been adopted out three times and returned twice for aggression. The third adopter paid to put the dog down so the highly irresponsible county animal control could not adopt it out a fourth time.
2018 IL - A delivery person was seriously attacked by a pit bull at the no-kill Cache Creek Animal Rescue in Frankfort IL. She is suing for more than $50,000. She alleges that the attack was unprovoked and vicious.
2017 TX - A toddler was mauled unprovoked by a pit bull mix that was up for adoption at an adoption event in a park in Dallas. The toddler was with his mom and had just pet the pit bull without incident and walked away. When the mom and toddler turned back toward where the pit bull was, it launched an unprovoked attack. Amazingly, the rescuers and animal control are so incompetent that they cannot determine from the severity of this unprovoked attack that the pit bull needs to be put down. They are calling in "experts" to evaluate the pit bull that failed the real world temperament test by launching a vicious, unprovoked attack on a toddler.
2017 LA - A rescue lied to a family telling them that a pit bull mix was a mastiff mix. The family was used to small dogs. After spending 3 hours with the pit before adopting him, and having him home 2 hours, the pit bull attacked a five-year-old boy.
2017 NY - A child and an adult were attacked by a rescue pit bull during a Mermorial Day celebration at the Pound Ridge Fire Department.
2017 WI - A pit bull mix being fostered for Shelter From the Storm rescue escaped it's foster's fence and attacked two dogs being walked by a woman. The pit killed one dog and injured the other and severely injured the dogs' owner. The rescue is lying about the breed saying the pit mix is a shepherd greyhound mix which is ridiculous when you look at both the photo that was shared AND the nature of the the attack.
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Killer Pit Bull Passed Off As GSD/Greyhound Mix |
2017 PA - A volunteer for Angel Ridge Animal Rescue brought her 4 and 7-year-old daughters with her to the rescue. While she was walking a pit bull, it attacked her younger daughter. She got the pit off her daughter, and was being severely mauled when a man came, got the pit off her, and tied a belt and a leash around each arm as tourniquets. She is in the hospital in serious condition after surgery. Her daughter was also hospitalized. The man said he'd never seen a dog persist in an attack like that. That's what pit bulls do. archive
2017 NC - A rescue group volunteer and her son were attacked by two rottweilers at a private shelter, For the Love of Dogs. The child sustained severe injuries including large lacerations over all of his body.
2017 NM - The Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department has been found once again to be adopting out dangerous dogs. After designing a process that had 3 experts designate dogs that needed to be euthanized for aggression, the new director has once again been found to be unilaterally removing dogs from the euthanasia list and putting them up for adoption.
2017 NV - The founder of Happy Acres Animal Sanctuary was seriously mauled by a newly acquired dangerous pit bull and was in fair condition at the hospital. Sanctuaries take unadoptable animals, including animals that are dangerously aggressive, instead of humanely euthanizing them. The new dangerous pit bull that attacked Steve Benson was attacked by another pit bull which is believed to have saved Benson's life.
2017 IA - A pit bull was transported from Louisiana to the Clinton IA Humane Society where it was adopted out to a family. Less than two hours later the pit bull had attacked a 15-month old child doing horrifying, permanent damage to his face.

2017 LA - Pit bull attacked the deputy director of the St. Lanry Parish Animal Control Shelter and her dog. The pit bull was put down and the shelter has been closed.
2017 GA - Two women have filed a lawsuit against Macon’s All About Animals Rescue Inc., alleging they were mauled by a pit bull while volunteering at the no-kill shelter in 2015. During a walk, and without provocation from the volunteers, Hooch “viciously attacked and mauled” Archibald, according to the lawsuit, filed in Bibb County State Court on March 3.
2017 FL - After at least two recent instances of pit bull mixes adopted by the shelter biting people, Lake County Animal Control has changed its rules so that those adopting the animals know up front whether the creatures have been aggressive at the shelter and whether they’ve been returned by an owner for biting. Excellent opinion piece about this craziness.
2017 MI - A woman went to the Center for Animal Health and Welfare in Williams Township to adopt a sweet beagle named Penny. They were just about to take Penny home when a pit mix broke free from its handler and mauled Penny horribly for no reason. Penny's throat was ripped open and her jaw was left hanging. At last report she had had surgery. The pit bull was put down, thankfully.
2017 CA - A 10-year-veteran Animal Care Tech was viciously mauled by a pit bull at LAAS North Central Shelter. She required a 5-hour-long surgery, both arms are bandaged from her fingers to her shoulders and from photos, one person believed her entire biceps were gone on one arm.
2016 TX - Dallas Animal Services gave a pit bull to Dallas Pets Alive (DPA). DPA took the pit bull to an adoption event where it seriously mauled a 2-year-old child. When a municipal court ordered the pit bull to be humanely euthanized, DPA filed lawsuits to keep the mauling pit bull alive.
2016 FL - A man was bitten by a shepherd mix that he had adopted two days previously from the Gulf Coast Humane Society. When he returned the dog, he was told that it had happened before and the man wants to know why he wasn't told. Other workers at the Humane Society said the dog had been returned, but not for aggression or violence.
2016 PA - A pit bull attacked and severely mauled his owner putting him in the hospital and will need to be in a nursing home for a few weeks to recover. The owner said he'd rescued the pit bull a year earlier when it was six months old. He called his pit bull a "gentle giant" who was not aggressive and said he'd nursed it back up to a healthy weight and cared for it with love to be part of the family. Then one night, the pit bull, believed to be scared by a storm, mauled.
2016 CA - An update to the investigative report about the dangerous dogs Contra Costa Animal Services is adopting out describes how a pit bull killed a cute little maltese the very day it was adopted out to a woman. The ugly pit bull had been at CCAS for a month, but had not been temperament tested. They just won't stop even after they've been exposed.
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Pit Bull Gets to Kill a Sweet Maltese Before It Gets Put Down because shelter workers wanted to give it another chance (to kill) |
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An adorable and beloved little dog was killed because shelter workers callously adopt out known aggressive pit bulls like the one that killed Kaiser. |
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Virginia Pit Bull Vern was photographed in a cute bow tie the day before he mauled a shelter worker as she took him out to show a potential adopter |
"The dog was a mutt and a member of the Board of Directors emphasized that "this was not a vicious pit bull attack." The member also said the dog has never shown reason for concern and the volunteers were in shock after the attack."
Both those statements were later deleted. In an update posted 2 days after the attack, the dog was identified as a pit bull mix:
"UPDATE: Representatives from the city of Las Vegas say the dog was a pit bull mix and is being evaluated at the Animal Foundation."
Diana England, the rescue's founder, who lied to protect pit bulls, was still in the hospital 4 days after the attack.
2016 AL - A 12-year-old boy was brutally attacked by his mother's rescue pit bulls. The news report suggests there was a breeding pair with puppies, but the mother says on her facebook page that all the pit bulls but one were rescues.
2016 OH - Two pit bulls bust out of a gate for the express purpose of killing a little dog being walked on a leash knocking down the 60 year old owner. The owners say the pit bulls are "rescue" dogs.
2016 TX - Austin City Animal Control has sent over 500 aggressive dogs to Austin Pets Alive! No Kill animal shelter. Really obscene lack of responsibility here.
"Max is one of more than 500 dogs quarantined for biting, which the city then transferred to APA in the last five years, according to city records. More than 200 of those dogs appear to meet the city's own definition of a dangerous dog: attacking unprovoked and causing injuries. In at least 40 of those attacks, city staff said the person received moderate to severe injuries. Hundreds more dogs are noted in city records as "aggressive" but were still given to APA." And they are defending their actions. Wow!
2016 CA - Brenda Barnett of LA Animal Services allowed someone who claimed to represent a rescue in Arkansas to take an extremely dangerous pit bull that had bitten a AC worker. That pit bull, after released, but still in LA, attacked a potential adopter. The vicious pit bull had to be stabbed 19 times to stop the attack and was later euthanized. (This attack is also listed in Pit Bulls That Must Be Stabbed to Stop an Attack)
2016 MI - A family adopted a pit bull from the Taylor Animal Shelter. The family said that as soon as they brought it in the home, it attacked their daughter. The shelter took the dog back and gave them their money back. The rescue won't put the dog down. They want a rescue to take it.
2016 WI - A recently adopted pit bull mix jumped over a 4 ft fence to get into a yard so it could kill a lab dachshund mix. After several people, including the pit bull's owner, tried to get the pit bull off the victim dog, a neighbor got a gun and shot the pit bull dead. The report didn't bother to mention how the victim dog was doing. The mauling pit bull was adopted from a shelter in Rice Lake, WI. (This attack is also listed in Invasion Attacks.)
2016 NY - In July 2015 a boy and his mother went to the city animal services shelter in Rochester to find a dog to adopt. A "boxer mix" was brought out for them to look at. The mother got confirmation that the dog was "suitable for children". After a brief introduction, the "boxer mix" was taken off the leash at which time it immediately mauled the child, biting him in the abdomen resulting in severe and permanent scarring and disfigurement." The mother has filed a lawsuit. This story was not reported when it happened. "Boxer mix" often means pit bull and this shelter is full to the brim with pit bulls.
2016 CA - The pit bull mix that killed a 3-day-old baby had been adopted from the San diego Humane Society 6 months previously. The pit mix had been judged as an individual by experts to be "a happy, social dog who enjoyed going on walks and playing with other dogs" that had shown no signs of aggression. The head of the San Diego Humane Society, who just wrote a book about how to understand animal communication seems unaware that happy, well adjusted pit bulls are known for mauling and killing unprovoked with no previous signs of aggression. It has been less than a year since the Asheville Humane Society adopted out a pit bull that killed a boy a few days later. That pit bull had also been deemed non-aggressive by "experts."
2016 TX - Two volunteers, one a teenage girl, at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter allowed two pit bulls to attack a little dog. An off-duty sheriff who was about to adopt a dog saw the teenager trying to get the pit bulls off the little dog. He decided not to shoot, but to hit one of the pit bulls with a board. This worked to stop the attack and get the little dog away from the pit bulls which began attacking each other. The sheriff was accused of beating dogs by people on social media as thanks for saving the teenager.
2016 MD - A child was bitten by a dog at the humane Society of Hartford County. The child was flown to the hospital with serious, but not life-threatening injuries. The breed of dog has not been released. The vast majority of dogs at the shelter are pit bulls.
2016 ON - An illegal pit bull that had been recently adopted escaped its owner's condo and pushed through the front door of a neighbors condo and killed the neighbor's dog in a bloody, vicious, horrific invasion attack. The owner said he could tell his April was already dead in seconds because the pit bull had literally ripped April completely open. One of the neighbors was scratched trying to keep the invading pit from attacking their other dog. (This attack is also posted in invasion attacks).
2016 NJ - A pit bull escaped from a home, rushed to a woman walking a baby stroller and attacked the 11 month old girl in the stroller. The pit bull was recently adopted from a shelter. The baby girl was hospitalized for three days, received 70 stitches and plastic surgery. (This attack is also listed in attacks with no provocation or warning.)
2016 IN - A woman went to the Marion-Grand County Humane Society. A pit bull that had been deemed safe for adoption was led into a room to meet the potential adopter and immediately jumped up and bit the woman on the face sending her to the hospital. On top of that, the Humane Society gave her the runaround for DAYS about whether the pit bull had been vaccinated for rabies. It had not. And now she is waiting to see if the pit bull will show signs of rabies. That is a very bad idea since she was bitten in the face.
2016 CT - A rescue pit bull escaped containment and attacked a donkey while at large. The owner says the pit bull will be returned to the rescue after the 14-day quarantine period is over.
2016 CO - The Longmont Humane Society, the only HS in the country to have been charged as an irresponsible dangerous pit bull owner with allowing a dangerous dog to attack, has adopted out another dangerous dog with a history of biting animals and people. This time an American Bulldog recently adopted from LHS bit a meter reader and inflicted "significant" injuries to the woman who needed surgery. Longmont HS prides itself on taking problematic pit bulls from all over the country and "rehabilitating" them. Then they dump them on the city of Longmont and environs. The citizens of Longmont then have to deal with the fact that this "rehabilitation" is fantasy.
Craven Desires - Longmont Humane Society
2016 AZ - A 7 year-old girl was rushed to the hospital after being attacked by a pit bull terrier mix that had been adopted 6 months previously. She had non-life threatening injuries to her hand and scalp.
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In 2015, 9% of the attacks resulting in death were inflicted by dogs rehomed by c
2015 CA - A family is suing Labrador and Friends Rescue and San Diego County after a lab they adopted from the rescue severely mauled their son. They later found out that the dog had attacked a woman just two weeks previous to the adoption, both SDAC and the rescue knew about the attack, and no one told the family.
2015 NS - The St. Mary’s University student was about to leave for work when a pit bull showed up and chased, Diamond, her pomeranian from their yard into the living room of her home on Fourth Street in Dartmouth. She tried desperately to save her little dog whom she regarded as her child, but the pit bull ran off with her baby's lifeless body. The pit bull owners feel their pit isn't aggressive because it didn't also try to kill the people in their own home and that their killer pit bull shouldn't be put down. The pit bull had been recently bought from Homeward Bound Rescue (yeah, it was homeward bound alright.) (Also listed in the invasion attacks list.)
2015 MD - A 5 year-old boy suffered serious facial injuries after an attack by a "boxer-bulldog mix" (pit bull) that had been adopted earlier the same day. The county animal shelter suspended adoptions to review their adoption protocols, but did not find that adopting out pit bulls and lying about the breed were problems.
2015 VA - A family is suing the Fluvanna SPCA for adopting an aggressive dog to them without informing them of previous attacks by the dog. The dog, Max, attacked a 5 year-old child of the family. Previously, SPCA adopted out a dog that killed a puppy the same day it was adopted. Max is supposedly a German shepherd and husky mix. However neither of those two breeds would have given Max terrier ears.
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The 1-year-old male "boxer mix" up for adoption at the Charleston Animal Society |
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Securing the Fighting Dog Weapons Drawn |
2014 CT - A pit bull that had been adopted only months before ran out of a house to attack a 93 year old woman leaving devastating wounds. The shelter reports conducting extensive testing, training and socializing. The shelter director also prides herself on "rehabilitating" vicious dogs. Neighbors and the shelter say the owners were good people and extremely responsible about owning their pit bull. The victim died 6 weeks after the attack.
2014 Mar FL - A volunteer at the Second Chance Animal Rescue brought her children, 3 and 5 years old, to the rescue. While there, a pit bull escaped from its kennel and lept through passenger side window of the volunteer's mini-van and attacked her 3-yr-old in the second row. She wrestled it out and into its cage where it broke out and went through the window a second time attacking her daughter. (This attack is also listed in the list of invasion attacks)
First Coast News
"Few (behavior tests) have been tested for reliability and validity. Those that have either fared very poorly or are not feasible within the constraints of normal workplace practices.
This clearly presents a significant problem for those wanting to assess canine behaviour. The use of invalid tests may result in dogs being incorrectly classified as safe or unsafe, with potentially devastating consequences. Mornement K, Toukhsati S, Coleman G, et al. Reliability, validity and feasibility of existing tests of canine behavior."
Food-related aggression in shelter dogs: A comparison of behavior identified by a behavior evaluation in the shelter and owner reports after adoption
Read more about this problem:
What Happens When ‘Save Rates’ Trump Common Sense?
Pet Therapy: Adopters of imported rescue dogs must consider liability